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My Internship at JOSHISHO

My home is Vienna, Austria, but recently I had the chance to fulfill a lifelong dream: traveling to Japan. My goal is to learn as much as possible along the way, improve my Japanese, and of course, meet many interesting people. Learning new languages has always been a passion of mine, and having a conversation in a foreign language is enriching and challenging at the same time.

I want to become a language teacher to help people make new connections, find friends, and gain experiences in other countries and cultures. My first language is German. I learned English in school, but only through talking to friends and neighbors, I was able to gain more confidence. I want to inspire the students of JOSHISHO to use their English skills to connect with others.

I first heard about JOSHISHO during a speech by the principal, Shota Shibayama, and the teaching philosophy of “embracing the challenge” resonated with me. In Austria, I work as a museum guide and conduct art workshops with children and teenagers every day. Every few months, there is a new exhibition to prepare for and study. This usually comes with a lot of struggles and new skill sets that we must acquire in a short time. Even though this is challenging, it is usually the most exciting part of my work.

I look forward to continuing my work as a language teacher back in Austria after completing my internship.




インターンシップを終えた後も、オーストリアで言語教師としての仕事を続けられることを楽しみにしています。(訳者:英語科教員 黒澤永)